ネイティブに、writingのスキルを伸ばすために、子供のときにやったことって何?と聞くと、Story telling(お話を考えて話す)という人が多いです。
http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/story-starters/adventure-writing-prompts/ (もしうまく開かなかったら、scholastic story starter adventure で検索してみてください)
Write a story about a yellow hen who goes on a fun camping trip. (楽しいキャンプにでかける黄色い雌鶏のお話を書いて)
There was a yellow hen in a small village. She was unique because she was yellow. Other hens bullied her because of her characteristic color. The yellow hen ran away from the village and went into the forest. In the forest, she met a sparrow. The sparrow said, “I’ve never seen such a yellow hen like you! You are so unique! Please be my friend!” Then, they became friends, and walked along in the forest. After a while, they met a dog. The dog said, “I’ve never seen such a yellow hen like you! You’re so special! Please be my friend!” Then, they became friends, and walked along in the forest. After a while, they met a bear. The bear said, “I’ve never seen such a yellow hen like you! You are so rare! Please be my friend!” Then, they became friends, and walked along deep within the forest. Then, they found a campfire. They went close to the campfire, then, they met a group of roosters. There was a prince of the roosters, and he said to the yellow hen. “I’ve never seen such a beautiful hen like you. You are the one I’ve been waiting for. Please be my wife!” The yellow hen said yes, and the campfire became their wedding celebration. After a while, the yellow hen hatched a lot of cute yellow chicks. The end.